Motherhood really is a wild ride full of ups, downs, 

and everything in between.

This is where The Non-Linear Journey Experience comes in. Kid-conscious coaching designed just for moms by a fellow mom. I'm here to help you navigate through all those curveballs. From identity changes and work decisions to relationship shifts and community building, I've got your back.

As a busy mom to 2 littles, I get it which is why I designed the program to help:

Work through any 'guilt' around NOT loving every second of motherhood 

Embrace their new identity as a mom

Explore the many aspects of their identity before and after baby

Help decide who they want to be now (i.e. mom + {insert another aspect of identity})

Grieve their 'old' life and fall in love with their new life

Work through changes in professional goals & dreams

Heal any past grieving experiences that were triggered by motherhood.

Feel seen and validated in their own unique non-linear motherhood journey.

Motherhood really is a wild ride full of ups, downs

and everything in between.

That's where The

Non-Linear Journey

Coaching comes in.

Kid-conscious coaching designed just for moms by a fellow mom, we're here to help you navigate through all those curveballs.

From identity changes and work decisions to relationship shifts and community building, we've got your back.

Motherhood Coaching Experience

6-month Program

This is a customized coaching experience catered to your individual needs, your schedule, your life, and the way YOU want to be supported. (It is not meant to overwhelm or add to your to-do list).

This time is for YOU to focus on YOU.*

How we will work together: 

  • 90-minute Kick-off customization session

  • Weekly check-in (Zoom/FaceTime)

  • To better accommodate your busy mom schedule, you can schedule 30-minute or 60 min sessions when it works for you

  • Regular accountability (we stay in contact as often as you need)

  • Weekly Tools & Strategies to Inspire and Motivate

  • Heartwork (homework) to help keep you focused

At the end of 6 months, imagine being less stressed, more confident, and equipped with your tailored toolkit to manage the chaos of motherhood. You will be able to show up for yourself, your family, and your community.

Total Investment starting at $5,000.

Interested? Let's Talk. 

Looking to give a momma the gift of coaching? Email for more information.

*Of course, your little ones are welcome, however, I encourage you to set this time aside for yourself.

How we will work together:

  • 90-minute kick-off customization session
  • Weekly Check-in (Zoom/Facetime)
  • To better accommodate your busy mom schedule, you can schedule 30-minute or 60-minute sessions when it works for you. 
  • Regular accountability (we stay in contact as often as you need)
  • Weekly Tools & Strategies to Inspire and Motivate
  • Heartwork (homework) to help keep you focused. 

At the end of 6 months, imagine being less stressed, more confident, and equipped to manage the chaos of motherhood. You will be able to show up for yourself, your family, and your community.  

Total Investment starting at $5,000. 

Interested? Let's talk.

Looking to give a momma the gift of support

Email for gift certificate options.

*Of course, your little ones are welcome, however, I encourage you to set this time aside for yourself. 

Right Now Coaching 

This is a customized targeted coaching session to work through whatever is top of mind and heart for you right now.

Do you resonate with any of these?

Do you feel that you can't share your true thoughts and feelings with your spouse, friends, or mommy group?

Do you have a pressing issues(s) weighing on your right now?

Do you need a reality/sanity check/want to be validated and heard? 

Do you want a safe and judgment-free space to share all of your thoughts and feelings? 

Are you struggling with Mom guilt? 

Are you rethinking your career aspirations? 

Do you have mixed feelings about the end of maternity leave? Scared/sad to be away from the baby and excited to use your brain. 

No clue who you are anymore? 

No clue what you like anymore? 

Grieving your old life? 

I got you,  momma.

Schedule a 60-minute session and we will dive in together. 

Investment starts at $215. Packages available.

I got you, momma.

Schedule a 60-minute session and we will dive in together. 

Investment starts at $215. Packages available.

Do you want to give a momma the gift of coaching? Email for more information.

Grief Support

Grief Recovery Method©

As a mom, you shoulder the emotional weight of many. But remember, you don't have to face your losses alone. It’s imperative to process your grief and loss so that you can not only show up for yourself, but for your family as well. It's okay to face those lingering emotions that might still be bothering you or triggered by parenting.

Over the course of 8 weeks...

Over the course

of 8 weeks...

I will guide you through the Grief Recovery Method, an evidence-based, and action-based approach to working through grief and loss.

We will work through unresolved emotions that may still be causing you pain and possibly (re)triggered by parenthood. It's all about understanding your feelings about loss and how it's impacted your life, and then, learning the tools to navigate through them.

I take what can be very difficult topics and through gentleness, humor and vulnerability, make it accessible. I meet you where you are in your grief.

I will guide you through the Grief Recovery Method, an evidence-based, and action-based approach to working through grief and loss.

We will work through unresolved emotions that may still be causing you pain and possibly (re)triggered by parenthood. It's all about understanding your feelings about loss and how it's impacted your life, and then, learning the tools to navigate through them.

I take what can be very difficult topics and through gentleness, humor and vulnerability, make it accessible. I meet you where you are in your grief.

Grief Support - Grief Recovery Method©


Eight - 60 to 90-minute private coaching sessions

Weekly exercises to deepen learning (heart work)


Additional accountability coaching session (60 minute)

Total investment starting at $2,142.

Grief Support - Grief Recovery Method©


Eight - 60 to 90-minute private coaching sessions

Weekly exercises to deepen learning (heart work)


Additional accountability coaching session (60 minute)

Total investment starting at $2,142.

Click the button below to learn more.


What is Matrescence and how does the Non-Linear Nine approach support it?

Matrescence is the physical, emotional, and psychological journey that a woman undergoes during motherhood. Whether you're a new mom or a seasoned one, matrescence is a constant state, often tricky to navigate. The Non-Linear Nine is an approach that I designed to help tackle the ups and downs of motherhood. It focuses on nine crucial areas: Identity, Community, Reframes, Boundaries, Awareness, Anchors, Communication, New Rituals, and Looking Ahead. These nine elements reflect completeness, balance, and intentional action - what we all strive for in our motherhood journey.

How is the Non-Linear Nine approach adaptable to my unique journey through motherhood?

The Non-Linear Nine approach is designed to be flexible and adaptable to your unique journey through motherhood. There's no specific order to approach these nine areas. By addressing each area, you can achieve balance and completeness, ultimately leading a fulfilled life you love. It gives you specific tools to navigate all the tricky nuaces of matrescence.

What can I expect from you as my coach at the Non-Linear Journey?

As your coach at the Non-Linear Journey, I bring not only my professional expertise but also my personal understanding as a mother of two. You will find understanding, empathy, comfort, strategies, and guidance, no matter which season of Matrescence you are in. During our sessions, we will explore the Non-Linear Nine areas and work together to identify strategies that best suit your unique journey.

What is the Grief Recovery Method?

The Grief Recovery Method is an 8-week evidence-based action-based program where we explore beliefs around loss, and the losses that have affected your life, and learn specific tools that help complete unresolved emotions that may still be causing you pain.

I’m grieving a death from 10 years ago. Is it too late to get support?

NO! It is never too late, or too early to get grief support. Whether your loss was decades or days ago, if it’s on your mind and heart, than we can work on it together.

I'm unsure where to start, how can I learn more about your coaching services at the Non-Linear Journey?

If you're unsure where to start, you can explore my SERVICES to learn more about the coaching I offer. This will give you a detailed look at different aspects of the coaching and how they can assist you. If you still have questions or concerns, you can schedule a free DISCOVERY call. During this call, we can chat about how the Non-Linear Journey coaching can support you.

“Healing the world, one heart at a time.”

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