There’s no perfect way

to approach Motherhood.

Motherhood is a beautiful, transformative journey, 

yet it comes with its own unique set of challenges.

There’s no perfect way to approach Motherhood.

Motherhood is a beautiful, transformative journey,  yet it comes with its own

unique set of challenges.

You're not alone in this journey.

At The Non-Linear Journey, I understand the intricacies of motherhood - the joys, the worries, the changes, and the constant quest for balance.

As a mom, I understand 'Matrescence' - the physical, emotional, and psychological journey through motherhood.

You're not alone in this journey.

At The Non-Linear Journey, I understand the intricacies of motherhood - the joys, the worries, the changes, and the constant quest for balance.

As a mom, I understand 'Matrescence' - the physical, emotional, and psychological journey through motherhood.
But remember, you're not alone.

Whether you're a new mom or a seasoned one, "Matrescence" is a constant state that can often be tricky to navigate. 

But remember,
you're not alone.

Whether you're a new mom or a seasoned one, "Matrescence" is a constant state that can often be tricky to navigate. 

That's why I created the

Non-Linear Nine

A customizable approach designed to help you tackle the ups and downs of motherhood. The Non-Linear Nine focuses on nine crucial areas: Identity, Community, Reframes, Boundaries, Awareness, Anchors, Communication, New Rituals, and Looking Ahead.

These nine elements reflect completeness, balance, validation and constructive action - what many of us strive for in our motherhood journey. There’s no specific order to approach these nine areas. They are flexible and adaptable to your unique journey. By addressing each area, you can achieve balance and completeness, ultimately leading a fulfilled life you love, with less stress and overwhelm.

That's why I created the Non-Linear Nine

A customizable approach designed to help you tackle the ups and downs of motherhood. The Non-Linear Nine focuses on nine crucial areas: Identity, Community, Reframes, Boundaries, Awareness, Anchors, Communication, New Rituals, and Looking Ahead.

These nine elements reflect completeness, balance, validation and constructive action - what many of us strive for in our motherhood journey. There’s no specific order to approach these nine areas. They are flexible and adaptable to your unique journey. By addressing each area, you can achieve balance and completeness, ultimately leading a fulfilled life you love, with less stress and overwhelm.

About your coach

The day my dad was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer changed the trajectory of my life. He died, 6 months after diagnosis, and the day after I turned 24. I spent many years lost in my grief and sorrow. I didn’t have the vocabulary to express my deep pain, nor was I able to have it validated by myself or others. I promised myself that when I got to a place of healing, I would devote myself to helping others to never feel the way that I felt back then. I don’t want anyone to feel ALONE and lost and invisible in their pain.

“Time is non-linear and I will always be with you.”

These were some of the last words that my father said to me before his brain succumbed to glioblastoma multiforme, a very aggressive brain cancer. These words are both comforting and motivating for me. I know if I need his take on something, I only have to sit quietly and I will know his heart. And that was how the Non-Linear Journey was born.

The day my dad was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer changed the trajectory of my life. He died, 6 months after diagnosis, and the day after I turned 24. I spent many years lost in my grief and sorrow. I didn’t have the vocabulary to express my deep pain, nor was I able to have it validated by myself or others. I promised myself that when I got to a place of healing, I would devote myself to helping others to never feel the way that I felt back then. I don’t want anyone to feel ALONE and lost and invisible in their pain.

“Time is non-linear and I will always be with you.”

These were some of the last words that my father said to me before his brain succumbed to glioblastoma multiforme, a very aggressive brain cancer. These words are both comforting and motivating for me. I know if I need his take on something, I only have to sit quietly and I will know his heart. And that was how the Non-Linear Journey was born.

About your coach

And now,  let me introduce myself:

I’m Ilana. Mom of 2 awesome girls (a threenager and a one-year-old) and a fur princess of the feline variety. From a young age, I always knew that I wanted to be a mother. I met my husband ‘later’ in life and became a geriatric (advanced maternal age - gotta love the medical descriptors) mom. I had my first child at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic and shelter-in-place which, in addition to being a new mom, brought about a whole set of other challenges. Of course, I had nothing to compare it to being a first-time mom, but years later, I am now still experiencing the residuals of that experience. I know many others are too, which is part of my fuel to do this work and help all moms untangle the myriad of emotions that Covid added to an already complicated journey.

And now,  let me introduce myself

I’m Ilana. Mom of 2 awesome girls (a threenager and a one-year-old) and a fur princess of the feline variety. From a young age, I always knew that I wanted to be a mother. I met my husband ‘later’ in life and became a geriatric (advanced maternal age - gotta love the medical descriptors) mom. I had my first child at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic and shelter-in-place which, in addition to being a new mom, brought about a whole set of other challenges. Of course, I had nothing to compare it to being a first-time mom, but years later, I am now still experiencing the residuals of that experience. I know many others are too, which is part of my fuel to do this work and help all moms untangle the myriad of emotions that Covid added to an already complicated journey.

Professional background

It took me close to a decade until I was ready to devote my heart and time to helping others navigate grief. I got certified in the Grief Recovery Method, later getting my advanced certification. In addition, I completed the Center for Prolonged Grief’s Complicated Grief Training I&II, the Zen Caregiving Project’s Foundations of Mindful Caregiving program, and the Grief Educator Certification with David Kessler. As a forever student, and always looking for ways to deepen my skill set and add to my toolbox, I will complete the Mama Rising Certification in March 2025.

I founded the original Non-Linear Journey in 2018 and then merged with a partner for a few years before re-founding the Non-Linear Journey in 2024. My previous focus was providing grief support, education, and training to individuals and corporations. Once becoming a mom, I realized another true passion: helping moms navigate their ‘grief’ around all things motherhood (matrescence). Many are hesitant to use the ‘g’ word, grief, but all the changes that we experience as mothers are indeed grieving experiences. Our changes in identity, changes in relationships, body changes, the huge changes to our lives (gone are the days of lazy mornings and impromptu happy hours), changes in community, and more. We grieve the life that we once had and the person that we once were AND we fall in love with this tiny human that caused all the changes creating the new life that we have. Once we can start to identify and name the changes, that’s when the magic begins.

I received my bachelor’s degree from Brandeis University, a Chinese Graduate Certificate from the Hopkins-Nanjing Center, and a Master of Public Administration from Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy. I was fluent in Mandarin (now a bit rusty), speak broken Hebrew, and can say thank you in half a dozen other languages. I loved to travel (pre-kids and COVID) and have been to more than 24 countries - and have lived in Israel, China, and Costa Rica. I can’t wait to travel with my kiddos.

As a trained grief specialist, coach, and educator, I have the unique perspective and training - both personally and professionally - on how to work through all types of grief. As a mom, I combine my experience with all my training to bring you matrescence support and coaching.

Professional background

It took me close to a decade until I was ready to devote my heart and time to helping others navigate grief. I got certified in the Grief Recovery Method, later getting my advanced certification. In addition, I completed the Center for Prolonged Grief’s Complicated Grief Training I & II,  the Zen Caregiving Project’s Foundations of Mindful Caregiving program, as well as the Grief Educator Certification with David Kessler. As a forever student, and always looking for ways to deepen my skillset and add to my toolbox, I will complete the Mama Rising Certification in March 2025.

I founded the original Non-Linear Journey in 2018 and then merged with a partner for a few years before re-founding the Non-Linear Journey in 2024. My previous focus was providing grief support, education, and training to individuals and corporations. Once becoming a mom, I realized another true passion: helping moms navigate their ‘grief’ around all things motherhood (matrescence). Many are hesitant to use the ‘g’ word, grief, but all the changes that we experience as mothers are indeed grieving experiences. Our changes in identity, changes in relationships, body changes, the huge changes to our lives (gone are the days of lazy mornings and impromptu happy hours), changes in community, and more. We grieve the life that we once had and the person that we once were AND we fall in love with this tiny human that caused all the changes creating the new life that we have. Once we can start to identify and name the changes, that’s when the magic begins.

I received my bachelor’s degree from Brandeis University, a Chinese Graduate Certificate from the Hopkins-Nanjing Center, and a Master of Public Administration from Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy. I was fluent in Mandarin (now a bit rusty), speak broken Hebrew, and can say thank you in half a dozen other languages. I loved to travel (pre-kids and COVID) and have been to more than 24 countries - and have lived in Israel, China, and Costa Rica. I can’t wait to travel with my kiddos.

As a trained grief specialist, coach, and educator, I have the unique perspective and training - both personally and professionally - on how to work through all types of grief. As a mom, I combine my experience with all my training to bring you matrescence support and coaching.

What you can expect


    - Understanding and Empathy

   Comfort and Strategies

    - Expertise and Guidance 

    - Snarky Humor and Laughter

    - Emotional Support, including a few tears

Not sure where to start?


Click the button below to learn more about the coaching I offer.

What you can expect


 - Understanding and Empathy

Comfort and Strategies

Expertise and Guidance 

- Snarky Humor and Laughter

- Emotional Support, including a few tears

Not sure where
to start?


Click the button below to learn

more about the coaching I offer.


We don’t have to navigate it alone.


We don’t have to navigate it alone.

“Healing the world, one heart at a time.”

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